Hallmark 401(k) Plans

Don’t worry, if you’re getting a little — err — long in the tooth, you can take advantage of a special Professional Management Program feature.

The Professional Management Program monitors and rebalances your Hallmark 401(k) Plan account in preparation for retirement. Its Income+ feature gets your account ready to provide you with an income stream during your retirement years.

The program offers

  • The option to receive steady monthly payments in retirement.
  • An investment allocation strategy to help prevent the risk of big declines to your estimated retirement income.

The Professional Management Program sets aside a portion of your account to increase the likelihood that you’ll have enough funds available to purchase an out-of-plan annuity by age 85 — an annuity that could provide a lifetime income. If you choose not to purchase an out-of-plan annuity, payouts from the plan may last until your early 90s.

Five years prior to your retirement age, the Professional Management Program will transition your portfolio from a growth oriented investment allocation to an income-oriented one. In most cases, that means selling higher-risk investments in favor of cash alternatives and bonds with lower risk. However, some of your account will continue to invest in equities for steady growth potential.

As a general guideline, the Income+ strategy may be appropriate for you if you intend to use your account to help subsidize your retirement living expenses — or if you plan to start steady or regular payouts from your account during retirement. The Income+ strategy may not be appropriate for you if you intend to keep your account invested for long-term growth.

If you have questions about the Professional Management Program, call Empower Retirement at 866-233-6886. Representatives are available to help you.
