Don’t worry, if you’re getting a little — err — long in the tooth, you can take advantage of a special Professional Management Program feature.
The Professional Management Program monitors and rebalances your Hallmark 401(k) Plan account in preparation for retirement. Its Income+ feature gets your account ready to provide you with an income stream during your retirement years.
The program offers
The Professional Management Program sets aside a portion of your account to increase the likelihood that you’ll have enough funds available to purchase an out-of-plan annuity by age 85 — an annuity that could provide a lifetime income. If you choose not to purchase an out-of-plan annuity, payouts from the plan may last until your early 90s.
3 The Professional Management Program is also referred to as “Professional Management with Income+.” With this program, payouts begin in retirement at your request. The program seeks to manage your investments to create payouts that can last into your early 90s. If you would like a lifetime guarantee, you may consider purchasing an out of-plan annuity. However, annuities are not generally available to people over age 85 or for account balances of less than $10,000. We will set aside a portion of your account to increase the likelihood that you’ll have the option to purchase an annuity by age 85 that could provide a lifetime income guarantee. Advised Assets Group and Financial Engines do not guarantee payout amounts or payouts for life.
Five years prior to your retirement age, the Professional Management Program will transition your portfolio from a growth oriented investment allocation to an income-oriented one. In most cases, that means selling higher-risk investments in favor of cash alternatives and bonds with lower risk. However, some of your account will continue to invest in equities for steady growth potential.
As a general guideline, the Income+ strategy may be appropriate for you if you intend to use your account to help subsidize your retirement living expenses — or if you plan to start steady or regular payouts from your account during retirement. The Income+ strategy may not be appropriate for you if you intend to keep your account invested for long-term growth.
If you have questions about the Professional Management Program, call Empower Retirement at 866-233-6886. Representatives are available to help you.
This material has been prepared for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for investment, accounting, legal or tax advice. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
Core securities, when offered, are offered through GWFS Equities, Inc. and/or other broker-dealers. GWFS Equities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company. Representatives of GWFS Equities, Inc. cannot offer investment, fiduciary, financial, legal or tax advice. Please consult with your financial planner, attorney and/or tax advisor as needed.
There is no guarantee that participation in any of the advisory services will result in a profit or that the account will outperform a self-managed portfolio invested without assistance.
Advised Assets Group, LLC (AAG) uses Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C. (FEA) to provide subadvisory services. AAG is a federally registered investment adviser and a wholly owned subsidiary of Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company (GWL&A). FEA is a federally registered investment adviser and a wholly owned subsidiary of Financial Engines, Inc. More information can be found at Financial Engines, Inc. is an independent company that is not affiliated with Empower Retirement, AAG, its parent company GWL&A, or any other affiliated companies and/or subsidiaries. Financial Engines® is a registered trademark of Financial Engines, Inc. All trademarks, logos, service marks, and design elements used are owned by their respective owners and are used by permission. © 2005-2016 Financial Engines, Inc. All rights reserved. Future results are not guaranteed by FEA, AAG or any other party. Empower Retirement refers to the products and services offered in the retirement markets by Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company (GWL&A), Corporate Headquarters: Greenwood Village, CO; Great- West Life Annuity Insurance Company of New York, Home Office: NY, NY; and their subsidiaries and affiliates. Professional Management Program and Online Advice are part of the Empower Retirement Advisory Services suite of services offered by AAG.