Manage your account
Get account information fast!
Provide your email address and sign up for selected electronic communications.
To sign up, log on and follow these easy steps:
- Click on your name in the upper right side of the screen.
- Go to Communication preference to make your election.
Simplify your life
Roll over your accounts from previous employer plans and:
- Get one statement.
- View one website.
- Call one number.
Call 1-877-SONY-SAVE.*
Choose your beneficiary
Keep your beneficiary information up to date.
Log on and follow these easy steps:
- Choose your plan name.
- Click on Beneficiaries.
You can get more information about your plan, fees and investment choices at any time online. Additional details about these features will also be mailed to you shortly.
*You are encouraged to discuss rolling money from one account to another with your financial advisor/planner, considering any potential fees and/or limitation of investment options.